Devo: God Defines You, Not Your Past

Hi there! So recently I heard a good message about how our past doesn't define us, no matter how bad it may be. That is because God  actually defines us and not other things like we may think. So I though I would share my thoughts on this. 

A lot of the time we are judged and defined by things we have done in the past and sometimes that isn't always a good thing. For instance what if we made a bad choice before and people start to label you as a certain kind of person because of that. That isn't such a good feeling at all. But with God, it does not matter to him what you may have done in the past. He loves you the way you are and for who you are. In 1 Samuel 16;7 part of it says "For the Lord sees not as man sees: Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" I feel this is a good example of our society today, a lot of the time we tend to see each other based on what we see on the outside, instead of actually looking beyond the surface of that person and get to really know them. 
Another reason we are defined by God and not our past because when we truly start to live for God and seek him in everything we do, then anything that we have done in the past should be let go and no longer mattered. I know it can be hard to let go of a hard past but with God, it can be done. Also in 2 Corinthians 5:17 it says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone. The new has come."  I love this verse so much. It's just a reminder that when we accept Christ into our hearts, we become like an new person so who we were before has gone away. 

Well I hope this was helpful to somebody. It sure helped me while writing it. :) Until next time! -Gabby B.


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