Give it to God//
"The battle isn't yours. It's Gods." 2 Chronicles 20:15
Hi there! So I really wanted to write a post about giving our battles to God. I think a lot of the times we feel the need to handle all the adversity we face on our own. Even when someone tries to offer their help, we may not accept it; even when that help is from GOD. But the problem with that is God wants us to come to him. He tells us in the bible he will never leave or forsake us, and I find such comfort in that. But sometimes when I am going through tough times I forget about that promise God gave me. It hurts God when we do not come to him with our problems. Because God can fix and help us through our problems better than we could or any worldly source for that matter.
Let's not stress ourselves out or become unhappy trying to do everything in this life ourselves. For example, if you are stressing about something or not sure how to handle a tough situation; give it to God and rest. It is important for us to be able to find comfort that when no one else seems there or wants to hear about our problems, God does. God is ALWAYS there for us; there is not one time when he isn't by our side. We may just forget to let him in and know that it is okay to put those worries on God. God loves when we come and talk to him, good or bad. As Christians, one of the best ways to strengthen our relationship with Him is by letting God in during the tough times and feeling his love around us and know everything will work out because God's going to handle it. He always does. :)
"Give all your worries and cares to God for he cares about what happens to you" -1 Peter 5:7
I hope you enjoyed this post! Until next time. -Gabby B.
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