Current Netflix faves //
Hi there! So recently I have been watching some amazing things on Netflix and thought I would share them with you all! So let's get started!
1.) Gilmore Girls
So I LOVE Gilmore Girls; I started watching the show a few years back. Now I am currently rewatching the show and now on Season 5. I have always loved this show and I will binge watch it all day! Such a great show!
2.) The Shannara Chronicles
So my dad recommended this show to me and I recently started it last week and can't stop! It's so good! If you love shows/movies like The Hobbit or Game of Throne I think you'll definitely enjoy this show!
3.) Prison Break
I started watching this show last year and with the revival season coming up soon; I have been watching a lot of episodes so I can finish up the show. I am very intrigued by this show and so excited it's coming back for another season!
Okay friends! Well here are all the shows that I have currently been watching/loving! Comment down some shows or movies that you have been liking recently! Until next time! -Gabby B.
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