Keeping Your Faith Strong During School!

Hi there! So I know for anybody who is a Christian, we may go through times where we struggle to keep our faith strong or keep God at the center of our lives. Sometimes I have noticed, that I struggle with this when it comes to going to school. I feel this way because most of the time at school you have people from all different backgrounds and people who may not make the best choices, that sometimes we let ourselves get influenced by that. Now I am not saying, it's bad to be around different people, it's how we learn to connect, but I do believe in not letting ourselves be so easily influenced by things or situations that could lead us from God. Instead we should always try to stay strong in our faith and un-moving no matter what obstacles may come our way. Although we won't always get it a 100% right, I thought I would share some tips to help us all make sure we stay strong in our faith during the school year.

So the number one thing I would recommend doing to keeping your faith strong throughout the school year is to either start or end your day with some Jesus. Or even do both! I like to listen to worship music sometimes in the morning and maybe read my bible or do a devotional before I go to bed. Even if it's just 5 minutes, make sure you get that time in to do something and spend time with God. 

Another tip that I find really helpful is to have reminders of bible verses or quotes somewhere to where you'll see them throughout the day. For example, I have some bible verses on my binder and a few in my locker. Or you can even set one as your lock screen, so you'll see it everyday. 

Also, sometimes you may have to understand that you'll be the "outsider" in some situations. While others may be doing things that aren't always godly or trying to pressure you into those situations, it's good that you stand your ground and don't fall in to it. Because in the end you'll be the stronger person cause you know who you are and that you don't need satisfaction from others or do what everyone else to be "cool" and enjoy yourself. You never know, you might inspire others with that mentality. 

Okay lastly, another tip I have is to join a Christian club at your school or even start one! I am so thankful that my school has at least 2 clubs for Christians to join together and it truly is a wonderful thing :). Even if you may not know any people willing to join in your immediate circle of friends, you'd be suprised at other people you'll get to talk to if you have never decided to join the club,

Well I hope these tips help you all out! I hope you have a great school year! Until next time! -Gabby B. 


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