Bible Verse I'm currently loving!

Hi there!! So today I decided I would share a bible verse that I'm loving right now. I always find different bible verse that I love that helps me through whatever I'm going through or just use them as a good reminder! 

"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand" - Proverbs 19:21

The verse speaks so much truth to me. Even when we think our plan and goals for our lives are just right for us God has something better for us, that would benefit us more than we could ever imagine! We just have to let God in to feel his love and understand our purpose and plan he has for our lives. Although we may not always listen to God, he ALWAYS listens to us and is there for us, even we we're not paying any attention to him. So let God in and see what great things he has in store for you! 

Alright I hope you guys enjoyed this quick little post! Until next time!-Gabby B.


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