Back to School Essentials
Hi friends! With back to school season fast approaching, I decided to go ahead and start sharing some school-related posts. I know we may not like to think about going back to school but sometimes for me back to school season is like Christmas for me, especially with all the Youtube videos and blog posts flooding my feed! So today I am sharing some of back to school essentials, not including school supplies because obviously, those are essential to school. So let's get into it!
1.) water bottle
I am always trying to drink more water; and even though I am not the best at it sometimes… So having a water bottle with me throughout the day helps me get my water intake in, as well as keep me accountable to make sure I am getting enough water.
2) earbuds
One of the best ways for me to stay productive is to play music/listen to a podcast. So it is good for me to have my earbuds to listen to music while I am working on my school work or walking through the halls.
3.) lipgloss
Lipgloss is not just a school essential but also a LIFE essential. I always have to have it with me wherever I go because I can't stand for my lips to be chapped.
4.) planner
My planner literally holds my life inside. Not only does it hold things related to my school life. but also my personal, work, & social life. So always having my planner with me is good, so I can keep up with my schedule & stay on top of the thing going on in my life.
5.) snacks
I don't know about y'all but I LOVE food & am always "hungry" or at least find an excuse to eat. I find it essential to keep snacks with me at school in addition to my lunch, that way when I get those midday munchies, I have food on hand to get me throughout the school day.
6.) watch
Last but not least, I always like to wear a watch because it helps me keep track of time not only during the day but when taking tests or quizzes it allows me to watch how much time I have left.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post & help you come up with some ideas for your school essentials! Until next time! -Gabby B.
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