Would You Rather : Book Edition
Would You Rather:Book Edition
Hi guys!!! I decided to do a tag and that't the Would You Rather: Book Edition. So let's get started.Would you rather
1. Read only trilogies or stand alones?
I personally love trilogies , so I would rather read those. Just because you have more time to enjoy and fall more in love with characters and the story. I get attached to books , so the longer I can stay with a story the better.
2. Read only female or male authors?
I'm not really sure because the number of female and male authors I read is half and half. But to support the women , I'll have to say female authors.3. Shop at Barnes & Noble or Amazon?
For this one I would have to say Barnes & Nobles. I love shopping at Amazon because of the good prices. But their's nothing that beats the feeling of walking through a bookstore and looking and holding all the amazing books.
4. All books become movies or TV shows?
I would rather have books become movies. Just because when books become tv shows , the adaptation gets changed too much. Moves just seem more fun.
5. Read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?
Definitely 5 book per week! I don't have time to read as much as I want to since school has started back. I would be extremely happy if I could read 5 books per weeks.
6. Be a professional reviewer or author?
I would rather be a professional author. I would love to be a create an author and make my own fantasy world.
7. Only read your top 20 favorite books over and over or always read new ones that you haven’t read before?
I think always read new books. Because their are so many good books out there that need to be read and I don't want to miss it.
8. Be a librarian or book seller?
I would rather be a librarian because I would love recommending books to all the people who come into the library. My elementary school really helped grow my love for reading.
9. Only read your favorite genre, or every genre except your favorite?
I would rather read every genre except my favorite , since I love pretty much every genre.
10. Only read physical books or eBooks?
Physical Books!!!! I love the feeling of holding and even a smelling a book. It just brings me such good joy being able to cal a book my own.
That’s the Would You Rather: Book Edition tag! If you choose to do this tag or did it already leave a link in the comments so I can check your answers out! Have a good day! -Gabby
Sorry for the font looking so weird, I'll try to fix that next time.