are we pouring our hearts out to God?
hello there friends! So this year I have been reading the bible chronologically. (Which basically means reading the Bible in the order that the events happened.) It has been such a fruitful time but also difficult at times. Mainly because sometimes when I read the Old Testament, ya girl is just a bit confused or may not understand. But thank God for commentaries, am I right??
So far in my reading, it has been so cool to see how Jesus is referenced. But last week I started reading 1 Samuel and Samuel's mother Hannah really inspired me and I was intrigued by her story. The main thing that drew me to Hannah was her complete willingness and boldness in just simply pouring her heart out to God. Before she had Samuel, Hannah so desperately wanted a child and she came to Lord with the hurt she had over this.
"Deeply hurt, Hannah prayed to the Lord and wept with many tears". 1 Samuel 1:10
This struck me because we often may think we can not come to God with our pain or He will think that we are being ungrateful if we wonder why he may not have given us certain things or circumstances. But what we see from Hannah is that even in our pain we can humbly come to God and he hears us. He wants us to come to Him with the good, the bad, and the ugly. Throughout the first chapter of 1 Samuel, Hannah earnestly and openly spent time praying and worshipping to God- the good, the bad, the pain-she brought it all to Him.
This got me thinking do I come to God like Hannah does. Am I coming to him with all the parts of my life? Not just the good or the bad.
My heart just swells with joy and love that we can come to God and just simply pour our hearts out to Him and he is there to listen and offer comfort. Just resting and bringing our all into his presence.
It does us good to come to God with our anguish, it gives us a place to put the burdens of heart. When we carry the pain and resentment, it does not do us good in the long run.
In 1 Samuel, Hannah's husband saw her tucked away just praying and talking to God, he thought she was drunk at first, just talking to herself. Hannah explains she was talking to God. I love this line she says :
"I've been pouring out my heart before the Lord".
1 Samuel 1:15
Let's be honest, sometimes we can open up to others and they may not understand. But God does, and he will always delight to hear you and he will not judge.
It is so good and freeing to just talk to God. Whether that be in your quiet time, while you are cooking, showering, etc. Start opening up to him more and more and we will see a change in not only our relationship with God but ourselves and just the way we view life.
This season we are in right now is such a great time to begin pouring our hearts more to the Lord.
I hope you enjoyed this post! Stay safe and healthy my friends :)
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