Life Update: Ya girl is in college now!
Hello friends!! So I thought today I would update on my life (if anybody cares) and mainly how college is going. Hopefully, this post will no be too long cause sometimes I tend to write to much but let's get into it!
So I actually stayed in Birmingham for college but I do live on campus. I am rooming with my best friend which has been such an enjoyable experience. I know people say not to room with your best friend but we honestly have not had any issues. We are in different majors and do not see each other really except for morning and evenings. It is kind of cool to have a sense of familiarity right in my own room. Also, I am so happy with how our dorm turned out! Maybe I will do a dorm tour post soon.
How cute is my roomie?? |
Something I was really worried about was if I was going to make friends or not. Because the first week of classes so many girls were posting about all these great friends that they had found and it seemed as if I was behind. But I realize now that sometimes people just post things to make it seem like they are living their best life or posting pictures with their "best friend" who they just met that day. I will say though I found a group of girls who I have become really close with and I am so thankful for them every day. I pray we all continue to be close and I have a strong feeling that we will. Every moment spent with them is such a blessing.
Sweet friends! |
Farmer's Market |
Library hangs! |
I am working 3 jobs this year which is a little interesting. It is cool because it keeps me busy but not cool because it keeps me busy( if that makes sense??). I like that I was able to find these jobs but then sometimes it is hard for me to find times for other things such as school work, a social life, or just even me time! But I think I am slowly finding a balance. Plus one of my jobs is pretty easy so I get to work on schoolwork most of the time.
I am a journalism + mass communications major! I love it so far. I am only in one class for my major this semester but I enjoy it and it is definitely my favorite class. My professor is amazing and I learn so much. I love journalism and writing so it is cool to finally learn about something I love.
I hope y'all enjoyed this post! I really enjoyed writing it. How is your school year going? Until next time-Gabby
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