Packing and Travel tips

Hi there! So I know this summer people will be traveling so I thought why not share some of my favorite packing/travel tips since I too will be partaking in some travels this summer. So let's get into it! 

1.)  Roll your clothes 
Now I feel like this is a tip everyone should know by now, but just in case you don't know, now you know. (Hope someone got that reference), But anywho I can not stress enough how much more room you will save in your luggage when you roll your clothes instead of folding them. Just trust me on this, it's worth it. 

2.) Wear your heaviest items when traveling 
This is definitely another way you can save space. Whether your flying, taking train, or car, try to wear your heaviest clothing items or shoes that way you can have some extra space. 

3.) pack snacks + reusable water bottle
Now one of my favorite things to do when I know I am going on a trip is to hit up Target or somewhere to get some snacks! My love for food is so real. Also having a reusable water bottle will help you save money because those airport water bottles are not always the cheapest, 

4.)  Download music/things to watch 
If you have a music streaming service, like Spotify Premium, I would definitely download some music or podcasts to listen to during your travels. This will definitely help you save data. Also downloading shows/movies on Netflix can also help keep you entertained during your travels. Having music to listen to or even a book to read will for sure help time fly(pun intended) while you are on your way to your destination. 

5.) Look up packing lists on Pinterest
If you're going to a well-known destination and have no idea what to pack, it is always helpful to look up prewritten packing lists on Pinterest. This will help you save plenty of time trying to rack your brain deciding what items you need to pack.

Alright guys, I hope these tips helped! Until next time! -Gabby B.  


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