How to be productive this summer!

Hi there! So now that everyone is pretty much on summer break, I thought I would talk about ways to continue to stay productive this summer while having fun! It is so easy during summer to just sit around all day and not do anything. While it is good to have some days like that, it is also good to keep yourself busy so you do not find yourself in a slump or bored this summer. So let's get right into it.

1.) Take up a new hobby //
Now I think this is always a good idea. Starting a new hobby is something that will help you stay both creative and productive during the summertime. Starting a new hobby could be making something and selling it or starting a blog/youtube channel. The possibilities are endless. If you are not sure where to start, search on the internet or Pinterest and try to find inspiration that way. 

2.)  Start working out //
This is also a good way to stay productive during the summer. Especially if you wanted to start working out but did not have as much time during the school year, now you can take the opportunity to start this summer. Now you do not have to start hardcore at the gym, but something as simple as doing workouts at home by watching youtube videos or finding certain classes to take like Soul Cycle or barre.

3.) READ //
I love reading so much and it bums me out that I do not have as much time as I would like to read during the school year, so this summer so far I have been trying to squeeze in as many books as I can. Even if you might not like reading books you can still gain knowledge from reading articles online or even reading various blogs. One of my favorite websites to read articles on is The Everygirl. They have so many articles ranging from food to lifestyle. If you have never read The Everygirl's articles, I would definitely check them out, they are amazing.

4.) Listen to podcasts // 
These past few months I have been listening to podcasts and have been really enjoying them. I listen to them while I get ready or just driving around. I love them so much and you can find podcasts on literally everything. Especially on Spotify. Some of my favorite podcasts are the Hannah Ashton podcast, Girlboss Radio, Jesus Calling, and the Yes, Girl! Podcast. These are all on Spotify, except for the Hannah Ashton podcast.

5.) Always have something to work on //
Having a project or something to work on can definitely help you stay productive. For instance, if you like to draw or paint, have a piece you want to finish by the end of the summer. Or if you have like DIYs, always try to have one that you can work on when you find yourself bored or needing something to do.

Well, I hope these tips helped, they have definitely been helping me so far this summer! Until next time! -Gabby B.


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