Favorite Podcasts + update

Hi friends! It has been a while since I have written on here. I honestly am sad that I did not take the time to blog as much as I would have liked this summer. I think part of the reason was I felt a major block with what I wanted to write about. It was like every time I tried to write nothing seemed good enough, Anywho I am back again and out of my writing slump! Hopefully, there will be no more moments of me missing from here. But for a quick update on what has been happening in my life, I graduated from high school in May so yayy! I will be starting college in the fall which I am very excited about it! This summer I have done some traveling but have enjoyed my time at home and reading a lot! 
But anyway I am here to talk about some of my favorite podcasts. I did another post like this a few months ago and thought why not update do a part 2 since I have found more podcasts that I love. So let's get started.

"I love you so much"
This is such an inspiring podcast for me. It is run by Kenzie Elizabeth. Kenzie gives great advice on her podcast to get you through life while also interviewing some pretty successful people. I think if you want to feel inspired and like you can conquer your day,  I would definitely listen to this podcast. Kenzie has a youtube channel too which is just as awesome as her podcast.

So this podcast was created by Gwyneth Paltrow as part of her Goop lifestyle brand + website which I love. I think this podcast is very good because they touch on topics like living a healthy lifestyle and leading a mindful life. Every time I listen to this podcast I walk away from it feeling like I learned something new and with new tools to help me better in my life. 

Here to Make Friends
This one is for all my bachelor nation people(like me). This is a HuffPost podcast where each week two amazing and funny women sit down to recap each episode of the all the bachelor nation shows. They even bring on guests and some of them have been former bachelor contestants. So if you need a good podcast to relive bachelor episodes I would definitely check this one out.  

Second Life
This is a podcast where Hilary Kerr( co-founder of Who What Wear) interviews amazing people who have made career changes and how they got to where they are. I love this podcast. It is so inspiring and shows that anyone can make a career change and at any age. 

Yes, Girl! 
This is an Essence Magazine podcast ran by Charli Penn and Cori Murray. These hilarious ladies interview various celebs while also just talking about current things happening. I always enjoy listening to this podcast and know I will get some good laughs from it as well.

Hillsong Creative Podcast
This is such an inspirational podcast. Hosted by Rich Langton he interviews creative experts and influential people from all over. You get to learn more about what it means to be creative and that we all can be creative in our own way. I loved the episode with Erwin Mcmanus. When I listen to this podcast, I feel encouraged, inspired, and challenged to make sure I am a doer of my dreams.

I hope you all enjoyed this post! Let me know of some of your favorite podcasts!  


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