new year, new thoughts

"Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul"
-Alice Walker
happy 2020! I know a new year comes around every year but for some reason, this year feels as if it is going to be different than past years. I am not just saying that because of the buzz surrounding that we are in 2020 and its the roaring twenties again. When I think of 2020 there is something about it that sparks a range of emotions within me. Maybe its the fact it is a new decade or that in this decade there are numerous milestones that I will hit/probably hit. For example, in this decade I will graduate college, get a job, maybe even get married. I was watching Katy Bellotte's newest video and I got a lot of takeaway and inspiration from her. As I always do. I love Katy Bellotte, she is so inspiring!  But anyway, a few things she talked about were being intentional and the main takeaway is how society has started to think too much and feel too little. We live in a world where society tells us what to think and how to feel whether we realize it or not. So it can be hard to determine which thoughts are truly ours and ultimately it leads us to overthink and maybe operate out of a place of fear and just stay stuck in our ways. But it is good to just take a moment and ponder on how are we really feeling and lead from there. Sometimes it is better to just simply feel things. When we allow ourselves to just feel and embrace our emotions, it can lead to us making new decisions, be there for a friend, and help us realize maybe what we truly love to do. Feelings allow us the opportunity to weed through all the thoughts in our minds and find our true thoughts. Leading to us having learning more about ourselves. Overthinking about our purpose and what we are supposed to do in this life makes us spend more time worrying about how we are going to live this life than simply just living it. Life will pass us by when we do not allow ourselves to stop a moment and maybe focus on one thing and assess how that makes us feel. But I know all of this is easier said than done. So that is why it is important to find something that can calm you down when we feel ourselves overthinking to help you refocus and center yourself. Maybe it is baking, picking up a book, or writing. I believe it is so important to write down your thoughts that way you have somewhere to put all of your thoughts instead of keeping them bottled up inside. That is what I am doing now. My mind has been racing over numerous things and after watching Katy's video it got me inspired to just do something I love which is writing. Being intentional. I have a passion for writing but often talk myself out of writing and putting my words not only on this blog but even in my private journal. But I am slowly going to try and get myself out of that way of thinking and just simply write. Because it simply brings me so much joy.  When thinking about this new year, I thought about this blog. I love blogging and it has been a great outlet for me to express myself and share the things I love with you all. I really will work on blogging more this year and writing what I want to write instead of what I think others want me to write.
This year I hope to challenge myself and seek out new things. My word of the year is SEEK. I hope to seek out more in God, my abilities, and in life. I feel like this post has kind of been all over the place and I apologize for that if it is. I just had so many thoughts circulating that I thought why not share them here with you all for my first post of 2020. Maybe some of you are going through some of the same things as me, questioning out and seeking things as we have embarked on this new year. It's amazing how the idea of a new year stirs up so much in society. It pushes us to reflect on our past selves and ponders on who we want to become. I know this year has kicked off with some big things in society both politically and environmentally and that breaks my heart. I pray for our world and hope that this year will be one of blessings and learning how to be in community with one another.
If you have made it to the end of this post, congratulations on making it through my jumbled thoughts. Hopefully, it all made some sort of sense. I think I will write more posts like this. They are like what I write in my journal but in blog form. I hope to be back on here real soon and write some more. Until then, keep it groovy -Gabby


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