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Pins I have been loving lately. Vol 1.

Hello there! I hope you all have been doing well. I know it ha been a couple of weeks since my last post. I have finally finished school- I am about 2 weeks into the summer break. Although I am enjoying not having school anymore, I am kind of stuck with what to do with my extra time now.  But anyway, if you know me well, then you would know that I LOVE Pinterest. I will spend hours upon hours. It is so fun for me and where I gain a lot of inspiration. So I thought why not share some of my favorite things I have pinned recently. A few years ago I would share some of my favorite pins weekly, so maybe I will bring that back. If you have a Pinterest, feel free to pin these and follow along on  my Pinterest . If you do not use Pinterest 10/10 recommend.  style. food. faith.  glam + runways Well, I hope y'all enjoyed this quick post! Leave your Pinterest in the comments. I love finding new accounts to gain inspiration from. 

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